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Information for Outgoing Students

You want to go one or two semester abroad in the EU (or Switzerland, Turkey, Norway, or Iceland)? Then apply for an Erasmus semester! We have enough places to serve all applicants (so far). We have over thirty partners. You find a list of our partners in the attached files.


You are studying on the Bachelor or Master level in

  • Computer Science
  • Embedded Systems Engineering
  • Microsystems Engineering
  • Sustainable Systems Engineering
  • Polyvalent study program


The European Union supports students who are enrolled at a European university and who want to study for 2 - 12 months at another European university through the Erasmus program. The students are selected by their home university. They do not have to pay any tuition fees at the host university. Credits earned abroad will in principle be accepted and transferred. In order to cover for the additional cost of studying abroad the participants of the Erasmus program receive a scholarship. The host university helps the students find accommodation and offers social and study-related support.

Other Countries (Students and Staff)


    1. Opportunities for Research Stays of Post-docs, Ph.D. students and master students at the National Institute of Informatics Tokyo 

      The National Institute of Informatics (NII) ( is the Inter-University Research Institute for advanced Computer Science research and global science data infrastructure support situated in the heart of Tokyo, Japan.
      Research topics ( range from Principles of Informatics like graph theory to Information and Society research like infrastructures for Open Science, through nowadays topics like Machine Learning. Additionally, NII plays a key role in Japan and overseas in providing operating infrastructures for global data management like SINET5 ( scientific data exchange.
      The Global Liaison Office (GLO) ( mission is to foster NII international research exchanges. The GLO offers exchange opportunities for welcoming at NII outstanding masters, Ph.D students, Post-Docs, junior and senior researchers in many fields of Computer Sciences ( For more information, see and

      The new contact person at the Faculty of Engineering for the exchange with the NII is Professor Peter Thiemann (thiemann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de7)
    2. In addition to stays abroad through the ERASMUS + program, there are other opportunities to go abroad while studying. With the program  Freiburg Global Exchange8, the International Office provides study abroad in non-European countries as well as financial support for planned stays abroad with the Baden-Württemberg-Stipendium9 and the DAAD-Promos-Stipendium10.

      Furthermore, the International Office advises on further study-related stays such as "free movers", teaching activities, internships, Eucor, etc., as well as on further scholarships abroad.

      Up-to-date information can be found on the homepage of the International Office11 or in the regular information event „Wege ins Ausland“.12


Staff mobility, Internships, Funding

There is also an Erasmus+ staff mobility and internship program13.

For information about the Erasmus Internship Programm "Erasmus Placement" you can consult the KOOR-Erasmus Services BW Web-Site: .

You can find funding for your trip abroad at mystipendium.de14 and a website for Internships in UK15.


  1. Next Info meeting 7. February, 2025, 14-16:00 h. Please scroll down to find last time's powerpoint presentation of the Erasmus+ Hochschulkoordinator Daniel Weiß.
  2. Address for Face-to-Face-Event: Georges-Köhler-Allee 101, Raum 02-016/18 (please double check before the event.)
  3. Deadline for application for the following winter semester: 28.02. of every year
  4. Deadline for application for the following spring semester: 31.07. of every year

Please note: As an applicant for the spring semester you have also the possibility to hand in your application before the deadline for the winter semester which has the advantage that you can choose your partner university out of the full range of partnerships. After February 28th the offered places offered for the academic year 2024/25 are recuced by the number of outgoings who applied before the winter deadline. Nevertheless for the spring semester applications are possible unitl July 31, but as just explained for a limited number of places.



More information is available at the of the University of Freiburg or the DAAD

The application that is to be handed in at the office of the Departemental Erasmus Coordinator in Freiburg (Faculty of Engineering) should include: 

  1. A letter of motivation for a specific partner university outlining the reasons for your desire to study abroad with Erasmus and for choosing that specific partner university (2 pages max.).
  2. A curriculum vitae in tabular form that also includes a photo of you.
  3. A description of your extracurricular activities and proof of language proficiency (e.g. secondary school marks or test certificates such as Cambridge or TOEFL, 
  4. A copy of your secondary school certificate.
  5. A transcript of records showing the completed courses and obtained grades and a list of courses you are planning to take in the future (abroad as well as in Freiburg).
  6. An informal list of courses that you would like to attend at the partner university

If you want to apply for a spot that is not in line with your current study field, you should also submit a letter of recommendation from a professor in your study field.

Please submit your application to Ms. Kerstin Pfeiffer.

The Learning Agreement (LA)

As soon as we have accepted you as an outgoing Erasmus student we'll nominate you at the International Office in Freiburg. From there you'll receive the link to register at the Mobility-On-line System. Once you are registered you'll be lead step by step through the pipeline. Soon you'll get access to the form of the LA before the mobility and be asked to fill in the courses you'd like to attend. To be sure that your chosen courses will be recognised in Freiburg after your stay at the partner university, you have to let the appointed commissioner for Erasmus LA from the examination committee in Freiburg (Faculty of Engineering) crosscheck the LA before the mobility. The current list of appointed commissioner for Erasmus LA (Anerkennungsbeauftragter) is

  • Prof. Dr. Christian Schindelhauer (Computer Science/ESE)
  • Prof. Dr. Margit Zacharias (Micro Systems Engineering/ESE)
  • Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Quay (SSE)

The LA before the mobility may be changed during the stay abroad. This is then called the LA during the mobility. This also must be crosschecked by the chair of the examination committee in Freiburg.

For the application in Freiburg, it is sufficient to submit an informal list of the courses you'd like to attend  based on the courses offered by the host university in the past. 

Information about virtual and blended mobility from our EU-office in addition to the attached DAAD-file at the bottom of the page. So far it is only available in german.

Wir weisen darauf hin, dass im Rahme der aktuellen Pandemie eine virtuelle Mobilität weiterhin im Erasmus-Programm durchgeführt werden kann.

Wenn es möglich, ist, sollte diese virtuelle Mobilität im Sinne eines „Blended Mobility“-Ansatzes gefördert werden: auf eine Phase der virtuellen Mobilität an einer Gasteinrichtung im Ausland sollte eine physische Mobilität im Ausland mit der vorgegebenen Mindestdauer (Programmleitfaden 2020 - folgen. Sofern jedoch weiterhin Einschränkungen aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie bestehen, kann die physische Mobilitätsphase verkürzt oder gestrichen und durch eine Verlängerung der virtuellen Mobilitätsphase ersetzt werden. Auch Unterbrechungszeiten zwischen der virtuellen und der physischen Mobilitätsphase sind zulässig. Die Teilnehmer*innen erhalten keine finanziellen Zuschüsse während der virtuellen Phase der Mobilität im Heimatland. Sobald die physische Mobilitätsphase beginnt, ist der/die Teilnehmer*in berechtigt, den regulären Zuschuss für den Auslandsaufenthalt zu erhalten. Der virtuelle Beginn einer Erasmus-Mobilität ermöglicht den Studierenden in jedem Fall die Förderung der physischen Fortsetzung - auch, wenn deren Dauer den Mindestzeitraum unterschreitet - und ermöglicht die in der aktuellen Situation größtmögliche Flexibilität. Zur Überprüfung der Durchführung ist auch virtuelle oder kombinierte Mobilität von der Gasteinrichtung beispielsweise durch ein Transcript of Records zu bestätigen. Für die Anerkennung von Studienleistungen sind sowohl virtuelle als auch physische Zeiträume zu berücksichtigen.


For all information concerning the Erasmus Funding please have a look at the file at the bottom of this page.


Departmental Erasmus Coordinator Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Dr. Christian Schindelhauer
George-Köhler-Allee 51, Room 02-008
79110 Freiburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 761 203 8181
e-mail: erasmus at tf dot uni dash freiburg dot de

Consultation hour (Sprechstunde) 

  • usually We 11am
  • please check this Google calendar19 (by pressing this link you end up at - at your on risk)
  • in room 051-02-008 or via  Zoom20


Kerstin Pfeiffer (only available before 12pm)
George-Köhler-Allee 51, Room 02-007
79110 Freiburg, Germany
e-mail: mail-pfeiffer.giferasmus at tf dot uni dash freiburg dot de
Tel.: +49 761 203 8181