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Johannes Wendeberg


  • AddressJohannes Wendeberg

    Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Wendeberg
    Computer Networks and Telematics
    Department of Computer Science
    University of Freiburg  

    Georges-Köhler-Allee 71 (Room 71-00-13)
    79110 Freiburg im Breisgau, D − Germany


  • Contact data

    Phone: +49 761 / 203-8185
    Telefax: +49 761 / 203-8182
    E-Mail: email.png
    Skype: thespiders81


  • Curriculum vitae

    Johannes Wendeberg was born in 1981 in Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany. He studied Computer Science at the University of Freiburg and graduated in 2009 with the master's degree (M.Sc.). From December 2009 until October 2013 he was a PhD student at the Chair for Computer Networks and Telematics at the University of Freiburg under guidance of Prof. Dr. Christian Schindelhauer within the graduate school Embedded Microsystems. Topic of his dissertation ("summa cum laude") are algorithms for signal localization. Currently, Johannes works in the spin-off company Telocate on development and marketing of solutions for localization in indoor environments. 



  • Videos



    Particle Filtering: Tracking algorithm for a continuous ultrasound beacon, based on particle filtering of TDOA signals. By probabilistic modeling of the sender and the receivers we achieve high robustness of initialization of the receivers and precise estimation of the beacon.



    Cone Alignment: Tracking of an ultrasound beacon using TDOA signals. The receiver is attached on top of a RC model car driving on a random path. The receivers are located at unknown positions, and no anchor points are given. The Cone Alignment algorithm, an iterative spring-mass simulation, calculates both the receiver positions (green) and the position of the ultrasound beacon.