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Dr. Faisal Aslam




I am a Ph.D. candidate at University of Freiburg since October 2006. I earned my M.S. degree in Computer Science from Department of Computer Science of LUMS, Pakistan. Currently I am working on TakaTuka Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for tiny wireless sensor motes and embedded devices. My Ph.D. advisor is Prof. Christian Schindelhauer and co-advisor is Prof. Peter Thiemann

Perior to that, I have worked on MPLS/GMPLS and Traffic Engineering (TE) with Dr. Zartash Afzal Uzmi at LUMS and with Prof. Michal Pióro at LUND University, Sweden. Furthermore, I have also worked four years as a software engineer and technical consultant.

My research interests are following:

  • Object Oriented Programming for Embedded Systems

  • Wireless Sensor Networks and Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

  • MPLS/GMPLS and Traffic engineering (TE)

  • Graph Theory

  • Algorithms, Computation and Complexity





Projects Supervised (in reverse chronological order



Note: My name (Faisal Aslam) is kind of common name so please do not confuse me with anyone else.




  • Faisal Aslam, Christian Schindelhauer, and Arne Vater, "Improving Geometric Distance Estimation for Sensor Networks and Unit Disk Graphs". The International Workshop on Scalable Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, SASN, 2009. 

  • E. Kubilinskas, F. Aslam, M. Dzida and M. Pióro, "Recovery, routing and load balancing strategy for an IP/MPLS network",  International Teletraffic Congress 2007

  • E. Kubilinskas, F. Aslam, M. Dzida and M. Pióro, "Network Protection by Single and Failure-Dependent Backup Paths – Modeling and Efficiency Comparison", PGTS 2006

  • E. Kubilinskas, F. Aslam, M. Dzida and M. Pióro, "Network protection by failure-dependent backup paths",  EuroNGI 2006






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