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SoNaTe 2016

Job Opening: Research Assistant at the Chair of Computer Networks and Telematics

As of October 2016, the Chair of Computer Networks and Telematics is looking for a

Research Assistant / PhD Student.

Your/his responsibilities will include:

  • Scientific cooperation in the project of SoNaTe - Social Neighbourhood and Technology
  • Support of teaching in the context of supervision of lecture-accompanying exercises or seminars, e.g. the lectures "Systems II (Computer Networks)", "Introduction to Cryptography", "Algorithms for Radio Networks"
  • Support in applying for research funds

Your profile:

  • Completed university degree (Uni/FH), or expected graduation in the next few months with very good academic performance
  • Quick comprehension, enjoyment of acquiring new facts, ability to work independently
  • Ability to work in a team, ability to take criticism, initiative, creativity
  • Good command of written and spoken English and German
  • Knowledge of algorithms, cryptography, computer networks or distributed systems
  • Proficiency in Java, C++, or a comparable object-oriented programming language
  • Knowledge of a computer algebra system, such as Matlab, Scilab, Maple or Mathematica

If you are interested, please send us your complete application documents with the note "CoNe-Sonata" by 31.10.2016 (also electronically as a PDF document) to

Kerstin Pfeiffer (
Computer Networks and Telematics
Georges-Köhler-Allee 51
79110 Freiburg

The position is limited to two years and is intended to allow the applicant the opportunity to pursue a doctorate. To this end, further financing is planned beyond the period. Remuneration is based on a full-time position in accordance with TVL-E13.

PDF version for download.

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